
Make my own Roulette image...

Making roulette game will have not an easy task. Probably, the task should be included some mathematic routines. I don't know yet what sort of mathematic should be needed for....
At the moment, I will introduce one method how can make roulette image by Delphi 6 and Graphics32. Of course, there are many ways we can make it by using other development tools. To make an executable file with this source, Delphi 6 Standard and Graphics32 Component should be needed.

  ..., Math, GR32_Image, GR32; // Add this in Uses

// Conversion double rgb color value to TColor value
Function MakeColor(b, g, r: Double): Integer;
    result := Trunc(r * 255) shl 16 + Trunc(b * 255) shl 8 + Trunc(g * 255);

// In order to display text by angle
procedure TextRotate(bitmap: TBitmap32; x, y, angle: integer; atext: string;afont: TFont);
    //Please Change with your country font, test with a different font to get better result...
    Bitmap.Font.Name := '궁서체';
    Bitmap.Font.Size := 12;
    Windows.GetObject(Bitmap.Font.Handle, sizeof(LOGFONT), @lf);
    lf.lfEscapement := angle * 10;
    lf.lfOrientation := angle * 10;
    Bitmap.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(lf);
    Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
    Bitmap.Textout(x, y, atext);

// Button event for drawing roulette Image
procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Draw 1 pixcel width line }
procedure DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2 : Integer; vBitmap: TBitmap32);
    { Fill area by drawing lines }

    DEG2RAD : double = (3.14159/180);
    vBitmap : TBitmap32;
    dAngle, degInRad, dAngleX : Double;
    x1, y1, i, centerx, centery : Integer;
    Color0, Color1, Color2 : Integer;
    Angle, X, Y, H, H2, W, X3 : Integer;
    Step : Real;
    ValueT : Array of String;
    vBitmap := TBitmap32.Create;
    vBitmap.Width := 256;
    vBitmap.Height := 256;
    centerx := 128;
    centery := 128;
    vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Width := 2;
    vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := MakeColor(0.66, 0.82, 0.82);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Ellipse(10, 10, vBitmap.Width-10, vBitmap.Height-10);
    dAngleX := 360 / 37;
    for i := 0 to 36 do begin
        dAngle := dAngleX * i;
        degInRad := dAngle * DEG2RAD;
        x1 := centerx - trunc(cos(degInRad) * (centerx-10));
        Y1 := centery - trunc(sin(degInRad) * (centery-10));
        vBitmap.Canvas.MoveTo(centerx, centery);
        vBitmap.Canvas.LineTo(X1, Y1);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Ellipse(40, 40, vBitmap.Width-40, vBitmap.Height-40);

    Color0 := MakeColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Color1 := MakeColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    Color2 := MakeColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for i := 0 to 36 do begin
        dAngle := dAngleX * i + 5;
        degInRad := dAngle * DEG2RAD;
        if(i = 0) then
            vBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Color0
        else begin
            if(i mod 2 = 1) then vBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Color1
            else vBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := Color2;
        x1 := centerx - trunc(cos(degInRad) * 110);
        Y1 := centery - trunc(sin(degInRad) * 110);
        vBitmap.Canvas.FloodFill(x1, y1, vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color, fsBorder);
    { Get form size }

    Angle := 0;
    vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlue;
    while (Angle<360) do begin
        X := centerx - Round(cos(Angle*DEG2RAD) * 88);
        Y := centery - Round(sin(Angle*DEG2RAD) * 88);
        vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color:=RGB(255, 255,abs(255-Angle));
        DrawLine(centerx, centery, X, Y, vBitmap);

    Angle := 0;
    vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlue;
    while (Angle<360) do begin
        X := centerx - Round(cos(Angle*DEG2RAD) * 48);
        Y := centery - Round(sin(Angle*DEG2RAD) * 48);
        DrawLine(centerx, centery, X, Y, vBitmap);

    vBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB($DC, $B4, $8C);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Pen.Color := RGB($DC, $B4, $8C);

    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(126, 128-62, 130, 128+62);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(128-62, 126, 128+62, 130);

    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(124, 128-62, 132, 128-22);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(124, 128+22, 132, 128+62);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(128-62, 124, 128-22, 132);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Rectangle(128+22, 124, 128+62, 132);
    vBitmap.Font.Color := RGB($FF, $FF, $FF);
    vBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
    Angle := 90;

    Setlength(ValueT, 37);
    ValueT[0] := '0'; ValueT[1] := '32'; ValueT[2] := '15'; ValueT[3] := '19';
    ValueT[4] := '4'; ValueT[5] := '21'; ValueT[6] := '2'; ValueT[7] := '25';
    ValueT[8] := '17'; ValueT[9] := '34'; ValueT[10] := '6'; ValueT[11] := '27';
    ValueT[12] := '13'; ValueT[13] := '36'; ValueT[14] := '11'; ValueT[15] := '30';
    ValueT[16] := '8'; ValueT[17] := '23'; ValueT[18] := '10'; ValueT[19] := '5';
    ValueT[20] := '24'; ValueT[21] := '16'; ValueT[22] := '33'; ValueT[23] := '1';
    ValueT[24] := '20'; ValueT[25] := '14'; ValueT[26] := '31'; ValueT[27] := '9';
    ValueT[28] := '22'; ValueT[29] := '18'; ValueT[30] := '29'; ValueT[31] := '7';
    ValueT[32] := '28'; ValueT[33] := '12'; ValueT[34] := '35'; ValueT[35] := '5';
    ValueT[36] := '26';
    for i := 0 to 36 do begin
        if(length(ValueT[i]) = 1) Then
            dAngle := dAngleX * i + 3
            dAngle := dAngleX * i;
        degInRad := dAngle * DEG2RAD;
        x1 := centerx - trunc(cos(degInRad) * 110);
        Y1 := centery - trunc(sin(degInRad) * 110);
        TextRotate(vbitmap, x1, y1, Angle, ValueT[i], vBitmap.Font);

        Angle := Angle - 10;
        if(Angle = 0) then Angle := 360;

    PaintBox01.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, vBitmap.Width, vBitmap.Height), vBitmap.Canvas,
Bounds(0, 0, vBitmap.Width, vBitmap.Height));

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