
Installation Mingw, MSYS and GTKmm on Windows XP

For a long time, I would install some softwares on my old laptop. Three weeks ago, I bought a 40giga hdd, then tried to install into my labtop computer. But, there had some problem and I spent some days to fix it. Finally I get a 30 giga hdd. It was good thing to me because previously I had a 10 giga hdd.
By the way, to install Mingw is quite simple. Candidates can find automated installation setup file from here . Please candidate version choose when you install. Next, candidates can find MSYS automated installation setup file from same URL . The default installation path of Mingw is “C:\Mingw” and MSYS is “C:\Mingw\Msys”. Give a path “C:/Mingw” when MSYS installer asks where Mingw was installed. After the Installation, Please add “C:\Mingw\bin;” to the environment variable called “Path”. There has some works should do under the MSys shell. Before doing it, let install the GTKmm which is stand for Graphic Tool kit … something like that. Go there , find and download the automated setup file for windows. Next, give a path “C:\Gtk” When Installer asks where does install you want. The setup will add something on your environment variable. So please relax instead of doing something. Under MSys shell, I could compile and execute any examples of GTKmm with `pkg-config`. Before compile with g++ and gcc, execute the MSys shell. If the MSys shell window is displayed, then go to root directory use “cd” instruction ([ex]cd ..). You can check your current folder by using “pwd” instruction. If you are in root folder, the “pwd” instruction will return “/”. Check file and directory by using “ls” instruction. If you can not see the “gtk” folder, make “gtk” folder by using “mkdir” instruction ([ex]mkdir gtk). Next, Candidate can link this path by editing ‘fstab’ file which is located in “/etc” folder. When you open it, you will know how to do it. Add like “c:/gtk /gtk”. To edit file under MSys shell, use vi editor. You can find a manual by searching Internet. Now close the MSys shell and execute again. Go to “/gtk” directory and check file and directory. If you have some files and directories, you get “gtk” under MSys shell. Now go to your working folder by “cd” instruction ([ex]cd). Make example file for compiling. Here is compiling example. Ex) $ gcc tutorial1.cc –o tutorial `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkmm-2.4`.

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