
What I am doing now?

It is a good chance to candidates who may learn about 3D graphic tools without any payment.

There are many free 3D graphic tools, such as, Google Sketch up, Blender, K3D, MeshLab, etc.

There is one more tool called Truespace which I recently have installed on my desktop. I could draw simple model mush easier.

And of course, I could get the model values using collada dae file format which is xml based text. The above shown picture is a simple plane map editer shows plane lands and fast speed of FPS, etc.


Drawing ground with texture.

The result looks more realistic of the ground. The texture is 16 bits color 565(RGB) bitmap.

If anyone want to try the texture with 16 bits 565 bitmap may use the OPENGL function follow.

Ex) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB5, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, data);


Here is no activity for a long time!

This post has not a special content. I wish continue my activity which is related with mobile application development.
I am still using old laptop note book and the new desktop which i was bought recently is next with my laptop note book. The desktop run so fast and has more screen capacity. Run to make my new application....